New Zealand Mines Rescue Service Specialist Services
The New Zealand Mines Rescue Service provides a wide range of specialist services to a wide variety of industries to assist organisations to meet their training, Health and Safety and regulatory requirements.
These services fall into the following key areas:
- Contract Certificate of Competence holders (mining and tunnelling industries)
- Development, Implementation and testing of Emergency Management Plans
- Health & Safety Advisor/Observer Functions
- Health & Safety Audit Functions
- Inspection and maintenance of breathing apparatus
Contract Certificate of Competence (CoC) Holders
New Zealand Mines Rescue Service can provide a range of appropriately qualified Certificate of Competence (CoC) Holders under contract to assist mining and tunnelling projects. These specialist staff could assist with the risk assessment process for the project and the development of Principal Hazard Management Plans, Principal Control Plans and other requirements for the operational health and safety system and general mining plans.
They are also available to externally review and audit plans before adoption and implementation.
The New Zealand Mines Rescue Service can also contract CoC holders to an organisation to fill the CoC holder roles on projects to fill positions where the organisation does not have CoC holders internally or to provide cover for leave or other reasons.
Development, Implementation and Testing of Emergency Management Plans
New Zealand Mines Rescue Service provide a range of services to assist in the development, implementation and testing of Emergency Management Plans.
For those whose mining and tunnelling operations incur a Mines Rescue Levy as required under the Regulations some of these services may be provided under that levy. However, if your operation is not levy paying these services can be supplied at a commercial rate.
Services provided:
- Development and Review of Emergency Management Plans
- Development of Trigger Action Response Plans (TARPS)
- Development, Facilitation and Observation of Emergency Exercises
- Training of First Response Teams
- Development and Setup of Incident Control Points
- Training of Incident Management Teams
- Testing and auditing of Emergency Management Plans
- Inspect/audit, service and testing of emergency equipment and resources
Health & Safety Advisor Functions
New Zealand Mines Rescue Service can provide health and safety advisors/observers to tunnelling operations. These advisors/observers have the technical expertise to ensure both health and safety legislation and mining and tunnelling regulatory requirements are met and that best practice is embeded into the worksite. They work collaboratively with Tunnel Managers, Engineers, Project Managers, Supervisors and workers to ensure everyone develops a sound understanding of regulatory requirements and the works to the most effective best practice to suit the project and environment.
It has previously provided this function to contracting companies maintaining rail tunnels for KiwiRail in different areas of the country. As part of the Kaikoura Rebuild, Mines Rescue has been contracted by NCTIR since April 2017 to provide Health and Safety Advisors to support the rebuild of the rail and road tunnel network badly damaged by the earthquake.
Health & Safety Audit Functions
New Zealand Mines Rescue Service provides a wide range of Health and Safety Audit functions to ensure that mining and tunnelling operations are meeting legislative and regulatory requirements and meeting best practice for operational activities and worker safety.
Services include:
- Review of Risk Assessments, Principal Hazard Management Plans, Principal Control Plans, SWMS, SOPs and JSAs.
- Review of Health & Safety processes and procedures.
- Audit of site operations against legislative and regulatory requirements, internal health and safety processes and procedures, industry best practice.
- Review of training competencies required for project/worksites.
- Auditing of training and staff competencies.
- Incident Investigations.
- Review, audit and testing of Emergency Management Plans.
- Insect/audit, service and testing of emergency equipment